Saturday, July 22, 2023

ChatGPT in elementary classrooms

When going over the many advantages of ChatGPT in class today, I got to thinking how useful this would be in the elementary setting. For third grade specifically. So who better to ask than ChatGPT itself?

The advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in a third grad classroom in 200 words or less please 


1.     Enhanced Learning Experience: ChatGPT can provide instant and personalized responses to students' queries, helping them access information and explanations in real-time. It can engage students in interactive conversations and provide additional resources to support their learning.

2.     Individualized Attention: With ChatGPT, students can receive individualized attention and guidance tailored to their specific needs and learning pace. It can adapt its responses and explanations to match each student's comprehension level, promoting a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

3.     Encourages Participation: Some students may feel more comfortable expressing themselves through written communication rather than speaking up in a classroom setting. ChatGPT allows students to participate actively without the fear of judgment or shyness, increasing overall engagement and involvement.


1.     Lack of Human Interaction: While ChatGPT can provide responses, it lacks the emotional intelligence and empathy that human teachers possess. Students may miss out on the personal connection and support that face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers offer.

2.     Limited Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT may struggle to fully understand the context and nuances of a third-grade classroom. It may misinterpret questions or provide incorrect answers, leading to potential confusion or misinformation among students.

3.     Overreliance on Technology: Relying heavily on ChatGPT might hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for students' long-term growth. Students need to interact with real-world situations and engage in hands-on activities to fully grasp complex concepts.

I thought this was interesting because we had talked about how there was an example of a teacher using ChatGPT to obtain reading materials for a student who refused to read anything other than space books. How a struggling student was then reading at grade level with the help of ChatGPT. I think there are many other advantages but that one stuck out the most to me. I do however worry that maybe students could be using ChatGPT without knowing what they are producing and turning in/researching like it had mentioned. I think it is helpful if they knew how to use it as a scaffolding tool but like it said as a disadvantage itself, there is a limited understanding to what students are observing for information. They may then too heavily rely on it like it also admitted itself. I do think that it is a wonderful tool for teachers to use for lesson planning and prepping other materials for reading but I think that when students are using it, it should be used more for scaffolding and monitored by the teacher.

I also wanted to note that it knows it can provide answers and responses but it doesn't have the emotional intelligence that a human teacher gives to students. Not that I was thinking or questioning that teachers could be replaced by ChatGPT (that's a scary thought) but that it knows how important ones peers and mentors can be and that those are more important in a social classroom than any amount of artificial intelligence.

It didn't give examples for third grade specifically (curriculum, learning targets, OSPI info) but I like that it is already thinking ahead about teachers and their relationships with students. I think it is important that we let our students use all the tools that we have to further growth in the classroom and this is just one of the many ways we can facilitate that growth. 

(With support from Generative AI) 


  1. I think it's also good to remember that ChatGPT itself doesn't know it's ChatGPT if that makes sense. There is nothing that can nor should replace the human interaction we crave. The goal of these tools and technology in our classrooms is to use them in a way that allow us to be more interactive with our students not less. How can technology create more time for me to be 1:1 with every student in my classroom? How can technology help foster situations for students to talk together, to hangout together.

  2. I like that you brought up that ChatGPT "knows" that it cannot replace human interaction. I hope if it ever "says" otherwise that we as people haven't forgotten that it can't. My understanding of people is that our brains our wire to work with whatever our experience is. The way we learn about people is by face to face interaction. If a kid does not get enough of this time, for instance, spending a lot of their childhood glued to a screen, I'm worried they won't learn.
