Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Reflecting on classroom management strategies

As an MIT student attending Jeff's technology class, I was fortunate to witness and learn about effective classroom management strategies that seamlessly integrate technology into the learning process. Jeff's approach emphasized fostering an environment where technology serves as a powerful tool for education, rather than a distraction.

Some of the classroom management procedures I observed and plan to integrate in my classroom include:

1. Turning Laptops When the Teacher is Speaking: One of the most valuable classroom management techniques presented by Jeff was the practice of turning laptops when the teacher is speaking. This simple yet effective strategy encourages students to actively listen and engage in the lesson, eliminating the temptation to continue browsing on the internet. By physically reorienting their laptops away from the screen, students are more likely to maintain eye contact with the teacher and focus on the lesson at hand.

  1. 2. Visual Timers for Task Management: Jeff introduced visual timers as a tool to manage time effectively during technology-based tasks. Integrating visual timers into class activities helps students understand the allotted time for specific assignments, creating a sense of accountability.
  1. 3. Designated Tech Experts for Peer Support: Jeff's emphasis on creating designated tech experts within the class was a remarkable approach to foster collaboration and peer support. Having students with advanced technology skills appointed as "tech experts" enabled them to assist their peers when encountering challenges with devices or applications.
Jeff's classroom management strategies in technology class have redefined my perspective on technology integration in the learning environment. The emphasis on active listening, time management, and peer support has facilitated a conducive atmosphere for exploration and growth.

1 comment:

  1. And for even more visit and follow: https://www.cmdigitalage.com/
