Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Technology in the Second Grade


In class, Jeff had mentioned that we don't see technology integrated into the classroom as much for several reasons. Most likely because those students are still learning to read and write but also because they are in such a precarious stage of development that they need that one-on-one interactive attention with another human. That being said, does that mean we cannot have technology in the second grade classroom at all?

Absolutely not!

What does tech look like in the Classroom?

There are several ways that tech in integrated into the modern second grade classrooms. Teachers often have access to interactive whiteboards known as "Smartboards" These large touch-sensitive displays allow teachers to present lessons in a dynamic and interactive way. Students can participate actively by writing, drawing, or solving problems directly on the board.

In the sense on Special Education resources, we see students with devices that help them communicate, provide coping skills, or allow them alternate ways of learning when appropriate. Technology opens the door to many opportunities and makes education more accessible to all of our students. Figure 6.5 in The Educator's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices offers three pages of alternate learning resources, depending on the task a student is asked to do. For example, providing large-print font if a student needs to read a section of a book.


Finally, technology can be used to take our second graders all around the world, from the safety of the classroom. You have a kiddo who wants to be an astronaut? GREAT! We are visiting Mars after lunch. You have another student who wants to get up close and personal with Mauna Loa without the burns? Perfect! Let's go on a trip in our favorite rocket ship! (Bonus points to anyone who sang the Little Einstein's Theme Song). 

This is only the beginning of what technology can do for our kiddos. By embracing the new world, you are creating equal opportunities for everyone. 


Causton, J., & Tracy-Bronson, C. P. (2015). The educator’s handbook for Inclusive School Practices. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Erin! I enjoyed reading this (: I agree that there are so many ways to integrate tech into an elementary classroom, but you really do have to be careful not to over-do it. I remember how cool it felt when my elementary school teachers would let us write on the SmartBoard. I felt more included & was forced to focus because I was excited to have to teacher call on me again. Do you have any other specific ways that you're thinking of using tech in your classroom? I would love to hear more!
