Monday, July 24, 2023

The Teacher’s Toolbox (part the second): SAMR

 In today's rapidly evolving world, education must keep pace with the changing needs of students and the demands of the future. Integrating technology into the classroom has become a critical aspect of modern education, but simply using technology for technology's sake may not yield the desired results. To harness the true potential of technology, we can turn to the SAMR Model—a framework that encourages educators to evaluate and reimagine teaching practices and take learning to new heights.

The SAMR Model serves as a good roadmap for educators who are seeking to leverage technology effectively in the classroom. It is structured into four distinct levels and requires us to think about whether we are using our tech as a Substitution of a previous piece of tech, Augmentation of an existing piece of tech, then we take a massive step to see if the tech Modifies our learning experience, or if it has Redefined the way we teach or learn altogether. Let's focus on the pinnacle of this model—Redefinition—and explore the ways in which technology can positively redefine learning experiences.

At the Redefinition level, technology empowers students to engage in authentic learning experiences that bridge the gap between the classroom and the rest of the world and even time. For example, instead of merely reading about historical events in textbooks, students can utilize virtual reality to step into the shoes of historical figures, witnessing history around them. This immersive approach fosters a deeper understanding and empathetic connection to the subject matter.

Technology enables students to connect with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds and geographical locations, breaking down physical barriers to learning. Through video conferencing, online collaboration tools, and digital platforms, students can collaborate on projects with their counterparts from across the globe. This enriching experience not only enhances their understanding of different cultures but also nurtures vital skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability.

The Redefinition level encourages educators to make accomodations and modifications to learning experiences for individual students too - technology allows for adaptive and inclusive learning platforms that can assess students' progress and offer personalized content and feedback accordingly. This customized approach ensures that each student receives the support and challenges necessary to find success.

Technology opens up a world of possibilities for students to showcase their creativity and critical thinking. Through multimedia tools, students can create interactive presentations, videos, podcasts, and digital portfolios, presenting their ideas in innovative and engaging ways. This not only boosts their confidence but also prepares them for the dynamic, digital-driven workplaces of the future.

Redefining learning with technology instills in students the value of lifelong learning. By integrating technology into their learning journey, students become comfortable with using technology as a tool for continuous education and professional growth. This skill becomes indispensable in a rapidly changing job market, where adaptability and technological literacy are highly sought after.

Written in collaboration with ChatGPT.


  1. I completely agree with your classmate's blog article that the SAMR Model provides educators looking to effectively integrate technology in the classroom with a good road map. It also leads teachers through four different tiers of technology use. Would you agree or disagree that the complexity of technology integration in various educational settings may not be fully captured by the SAMR Model?

  2. Great now that you have an understanding of SAMR you can pair it with ChatGPT to have it support you in using technology at different levels and in different ways that are authentic to the learning experience. We want authentic purposeful use of technology in our classrooms. Focusing on that leads to engagement and outcomes!
