Monday, July 24, 2023

The Teacher’s Toolbox (part the third): Vid-ucation

 Hey there, fellow tool users! Let's dive into the pros and cons of using vids as educational tools in high school.


1. Visual Saw-someness: Vids bring those tough concepts to life with a visual flair, making it a breeze for you to master and carve 'em in your brain!

2. Vast Knowledge: Unlock a treasure chest of vids covering every topic under the sun! Personalize your learning, and you'll chisel out your unique path!

3. Real-Life Action: Vids allow us to watch real-world applications of knowledge in action!

4. Flexibility: Bend time to your will! Vids are at your fingertips, so you can sand away at your own pace and review whenever you want!


1. Distractions: Watch out for the tempting distractions of tech tools, or you'll be sanding away your focus!

2. Hesitation: Too many vids might shrink the face-to-face time with your students.

3. Rotten Content Risk: Not all vids can be trusted. Some might be a little rough around the edges. Keep an eye out for legit sources!

4. No Toolbox: Not everyone has access to the right gear. If you're stuck without tech or net, it can feel like you're stuck needing to drive in a nail without a hammer.

Vid-ucation for high schoolers – we can embrace the visual charm, get hands-on with our virtual friends, and chisel our own path with vast content choices. But don't fall for tech gimmicks, stay connected with your amazing teachers, and always check your sources! With these woodworking tips in your toolkit, you'll craft a successful learning adventure like a true woodworking maestro!

Written in collaboration with ChatGPT.

1 comment:

  1. Your cons are valid and great to know and at the same time something that I think as an educator you can overcome. Distractions: Don't use Youtube..instead upload videos to drive so students are distracted by other videos. Hesitation: Too many vids shrinking face to face time....sure...but you can control that as an educator. You decide when instructional videos are the right tool. Rotten Content: YES! which is why we as educators need to be making our own videos for our students! No Toolbox: Sure....but every school gives ever students a laptop now so we've got the tools in the hands of kids. That was step one or what I like to call 2012 - 2021.
