Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Reflecting on classroom management strategies

As an MIT student attending Jeff's technology class, I was fortunate to witness and learn about effective classroom management strategies that seamlessly integrate technology into the learning process. Jeff's approach emphasized fostering an environment where technology serves as a powerful tool for education, rather than a distraction.

Some of the classroom management procedures I observed and plan to integrate in my classroom include:

1. Turning Laptops When the Teacher is Speaking: One of the most valuable classroom management techniques presented by Jeff was the practice of turning laptops when the teacher is speaking. This simple yet effective strategy encourages students to actively listen and engage in the lesson, eliminating the temptation to continue browsing on the internet. By physically reorienting their laptops away from the screen, students are more likely to maintain eye contact with the teacher and focus on the lesson at hand.

  1. 2. Visual Timers for Task Management: Jeff introduced visual timers as a tool to manage time effectively during technology-based tasks. Integrating visual timers into class activities helps students understand the allotted time for specific assignments, creating a sense of accountability.
  1. 3. Designated Tech Experts for Peer Support: Jeff's emphasis on creating designated tech experts within the class was a remarkable approach to foster collaboration and peer support. Having students with advanced technology skills appointed as "tech experts" enabled them to assist their peers when encountering challenges with devices or applications.
Jeff's classroom management strategies in technology class have redefined my perspective on technology integration in the learning environment. The emphasis on active listening, time management, and peer support has facilitated a conducive atmosphere for exploration and growth.

Embracing the SAMR Model in Your Elementary Classroom


The SAMR model is one such framework that can transform your elementary classroom by integrating technology effectively. Let's explore what the SAMR model is and how you can use it to elevate your teaching methods.

What is the SAMR Model?

A framework designed to help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms in a meaningful way.

  1. Substitution: At this level, technology serves as a direct substitute for traditional tools. For example, digital worksheets instead of paper ones. While it may save time, it doesn't offer any significant enhancement in learning.

  2. Augmentation: This level involves using technology to enhance tasks and add some functional improvements. For instance, interactive quizzes instead of traditional ones to provide immediate feedback.

  3. Modification: In this level, technology allows for significant task redesign. Students can collaborate on projects using online platforms or create multimedia presentations, enriching the learning experience.

  4. Redefinition: The highest level, where technology enables entirely new tasks that were previously inconceivable. Students might engage in virtual field trips, collaborate with classrooms worldwide, or use education

    al apps to demonstrate their understanding in creative ways.

Our class
Recently, our class engaged in a thought-provoking activity that allowed us to explore our views on the SAMR model - a framework that shapes the integration of technology in education. Moving to different sections of the room based on our opinions enabled us to gain valuable insights into our collective understanding of this transformative model. As I reflect on this activity, I am struck by the diversity of perspectives. As I observed my classmates scattered across the room, it became evident that we held diverse perspectives on the SAMR model. Some of us identified more with the Substitution and Augmentation levels, using technology to complement traditional teaching methods. Others, including myself, gravitated towards the Modification and Redefinition levels, embracing technology to create innovative learning experiences. : As we delved deeper into the activity, the conversation shifted towards the impact of technology integration on student learning. We recognized that moving towards the Modification and Redefinition levels could lead to more personalized and engaging learning experiences for our students, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

I finally learned about ChatGPT - A Student's Journey into the World of Chat GPT in Education


As a college student in a the MIT program, my journey into the world of technology took an exciting turn when Jeff Utecht introduced us to Chat GPT. This fascinating language model, developed by OpenAI, seemed like something out of science fiction. However, as the class progressed, I soon discovered the immense potential of Chat GPT as a transformative tool in the classroom, offering future teachers a world of innovative possibilities.

  1. An Unveiling of Chat GPT

At first glance, Chat GPT appeared like just another computer program, but Jeff's demonstration opened our eyes to its astounding capabilities. Chat GPT is a powerful language model based on artificial intelligence that can generate human-like responses to written prompts. As we engaged in live interactions with it, we were amazed at its ability to understand context and provide contextually relevant and coherent answers.

  1. Empowering Student Engagement

One of the key takeaways from the class was how Chat GPT can revolutionize student engagement in the classroom. Traditional teaching methods often struggle to connect with tech-savvy students, but with Chat GPT, we can foster interactive and personalized learning experiences. Whether through virtual discussions, creative writing prompts, or even as a tutor for individual students, Chat GPT can capture students' attention and ignite their curiosity.

  1. Enhancing Critical Thinking

As future teachers, we understood the importance of developing critical thinking skills in our students. With Chat GPT, we witnessed how students could engage in thought-provoking conversations and debates. By posing open-ended questions, students had the opportunity to think critically, analyze complex problems, and defend their perspectives. This tool empowers educators to cultivate a classroom environment that encourages intellectual growth and exploration.

  1. Inclusivity and Personalization

The significance of inclusivity in education cannot be overlooked, and Chat GPT has the potential to support diverse learners in the classroom. For students with different learning styles or special needs, this AI-powered tool can provide personalized assistance and adaptive learning experiences. Jeff mentioned Chat GPT as an opportunity to reach more equality in the classrooms. By accommodating individual preferences and pace, teachers can foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

  1. Preparing Students for the Future

The world is rapidly evolving, and technology is an integral part of our lives. By introducing Chat GPT in the classroom, educators can equip students with essential digital literacy skills. Familiarity with AI-powered tools will prepare them for the technological advancements they will encounter in their future careers and daily lives.


As the education class concluded, my understanding of Chat GPT evolved from awe to genuine enthusiasm. Jeff Utecht's presentation opened our eyes to the transformative potential of this technology in the classroom. Chat GPT has the power to enhance student engagement, foster critical thinking, and support inclusivity in education. As future teachers, we feel inspired to integrate some extend of this innovative tool into our teaching methodologies, embracing the future of education and empowering the next generation with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Photo from: https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/new-from-nea/chatgpt-enters-classroom-teachers-weigh-pros-and-cons

Post creation facilitated with AI.

The Teacher’s Toolbox (part the fourth): a Growth Mindset

 Greetings my fellow education enthusiasts! Today, we're embarking to the shop to explore the mindsets that modern educator need for engaging and inspiring the modern students in our classrooms. We’ll touch on SEL, teacher vulnerability, student-teacher collaboration, identifying our own unspoken rules and biases, and failure (yaay, failure).

Imagine a world where students not only find success academically, but also navigate emotions like they’re staring in an episode of Ted Lasso. That's the power of Social Emotional Learning! As modern educators, we need to prioritize SEL in our classrooms. By creating environments that nurture multiple intelligences, we help students build empathy, self-awareness, and resilience. When young minds can understand and manage their emotions effectively, learning becomes not just a chore but an adventure full of meaningful connections.

Gone are the days of the omniscient teacher who knows everything. Embracing vulnerability in the classroom allows educators to be genuine, approachable, and relatable. When we share our own challenges and learning journeys, we break down barriers and foster an environment of trust. It's okay to say, "I don't know, let's find out together!" Teaching becomes a collaborative effort, with teachers and students learning side by side on this thrilling rollercoaster of knowledge.

Picture this: a classroom buzzing with energy as students and teachers collaborate to create a dynamic learning space. It's the magic of teacher-student collaboration! When students become co-creators of their education, they feel valued and empowered. Let's ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and instead, let students have a voice in shaping their learning journey. Who knows, they might just surprise us with innovative ideas and perspectives we never even thought of!

Creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment is crucial for modern educators. When students feel physically and emotionally safe, their minds are free to explore and take risks. Let's make our classrooms fortresses of learning, where students can share their thoughts without fear of judgment. It's in these nurturing spaces that seeds of curiosity and creativity can flourish.

As modern educators, it's essential to reflect on our biases and assumptions. We're all human, after all! By acknowledging and addressing these blind spots, we open doors to diverse perspectives and inclusive learning experiences. Let's celebrate our differences and use them as strengths to enrich the tapestry of knowledge in our classrooms.

Failure is not the end; it's the launchpad for growth! Modern educators need to instill a growth mindset in their students, where setbacks are seen as stepping stones to success. Let's celebrate mistakes as valuable learning opportunities, encouraging resilience, perseverance, and a hunger for continuous improvement. Remember, every successful person has a story of overcoming failures to reach new heights!

And there you have it, our daring exploration of the mindsets modern educators need in classrooms today!

See ya, love ya, bye.

(written in collaboration with ChatGPT)

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Teacher’s Toolbox (part the third): Vid-ucation

 Hey there, fellow tool users! Let's dive into the pros and cons of using vids as educational tools in high school.


1. Visual Saw-someness: Vids bring those tough concepts to life with a visual flair, making it a breeze for you to master and carve 'em in your brain!

2. Vast Knowledge: Unlock a treasure chest of vids covering every topic under the sun! Personalize your learning, and you'll chisel out your unique path!

3. Real-Life Action: Vids allow us to watch real-world applications of knowledge in action!

4. Flexibility: Bend time to your will! Vids are at your fingertips, so you can sand away at your own pace and review whenever you want!


1. Distractions: Watch out for the tempting distractions of tech tools, or you'll be sanding away your focus!

2. Hesitation: Too many vids might shrink the face-to-face time with your students.

3. Rotten Content Risk: Not all vids can be trusted. Some might be a little rough around the edges. Keep an eye out for legit sources!

4. No Toolbox: Not everyone has access to the right gear. If you're stuck without tech or net, it can feel like you're stuck needing to drive in a nail without a hammer.

Vid-ucation for high schoolers – we can embrace the visual charm, get hands-on with our virtual friends, and chisel our own path with vast content choices. But don't fall for tech gimmicks, stay connected with your amazing teachers, and always check your sources! With these woodworking tips in your toolkit, you'll craft a successful learning adventure like a true woodworking maestro!

Written in collaboration with ChatGPT.

The Teacher’s Toolbox (part the second): SAMR

 In today's rapidly evolving world, education must keep pace with the changing needs of students and the demands of the future. Integrating technology into the classroom has become a critical aspect of modern education, but simply using technology for technology's sake may not yield the desired results. To harness the true potential of technology, we can turn to the SAMR Model—a framework that encourages educators to evaluate and reimagine teaching practices and take learning to new heights.

The SAMR Model serves as a good roadmap for educators who are seeking to leverage technology effectively in the classroom. It is structured into four distinct levels and requires us to think about whether we are using our tech as a Substitution of a previous piece of tech, Augmentation of an existing piece of tech, then we take a massive step to see if the tech Modifies our learning experience, or if it has Redefined the way we teach or learn altogether. Let's focus on the pinnacle of this model—Redefinition—and explore the ways in which technology can positively redefine learning experiences.

At the Redefinition level, technology empowers students to engage in authentic learning experiences that bridge the gap between the classroom and the rest of the world and even time. For example, instead of merely reading about historical events in textbooks, students can utilize virtual reality to step into the shoes of historical figures, witnessing history around them. This immersive approach fosters a deeper understanding and empathetic connection to the subject matter.

Technology enables students to connect with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds and geographical locations, breaking down physical barriers to learning. Through video conferencing, online collaboration tools, and digital platforms, students can collaborate on projects with their counterparts from across the globe. This enriching experience not only enhances their understanding of different cultures but also nurtures vital skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability.

The Redefinition level encourages educators to make accomodations and modifications to learning experiences for individual students too - technology allows for adaptive and inclusive learning platforms that can assess students' progress and offer personalized content and feedback accordingly. This customized approach ensures that each student receives the support and challenges necessary to find success.

Technology opens up a world of possibilities for students to showcase their creativity and critical thinking. Through multimedia tools, students can create interactive presentations, videos, podcasts, and digital portfolios, presenting their ideas in innovative and engaging ways. This not only boosts their confidence but also prepares them for the dynamic, digital-driven workplaces of the future.

Redefining learning with technology instills in students the value of lifelong learning. By integrating technology into their learning journey, students become comfortable with using technology as a tool for continuous education and professional growth. This skill becomes indispensable in a rapidly changing job market, where adaptability and technological literacy are highly sought after.

Written in collaboration with ChatGPT.

Unveiling History's secrets: Discovering old newspaper articles on Google


The advent of the digital age has revolutionized the way we access information, making knowledge from every corner of the world available at our fingertips. Among the countless wonders that the internet has bestowed upon us, the ability to find newspaper articles from ancient times on Google stands out as a true testament to human progress and technological advancement. In this blog post, we will delve into the awe-inspiring experience of unearthing historical treasures on the digital frontier and explore the significance of such discoveries in our modern society.

  1. The Power of Archiving

The historical significance of newspapers cannot be overstated. They serve as vital primary sources, providing a candid glimpse into the lives, events, and opinions of people from different epochs. The preservation of these newspapers and their subsequent digitization is a monumental feat. Google, with its vast resources and advanced technologies, has played a pivotal role in digitizing vast archives, making ancient newspapers accessible to the world.

The Time Traveler's Delight

Imagine being able to transcend time and space, to immerse yourself in the day-to-day life of an era long gone. Google's remarkable feat allows us to do just that. Whether it's perusing through articles from the American Revolution, the rise and fall of great civilizations, or significant cultural events, the feeling of being a time traveler, albeit virtually, is exhilarating. It enables us to gain a deeper understanding of our past and appreciate the progress we've made over the centuries.

A Treasure Trove of Knowledge

The wealth of knowledge contained within ancient newspaper articles is immeasurable. The stories of triumphs and tragedies, the accounts of scientific breakthroughs, and the documentation of societal norms provide valuable insights into human history. Scholars, researchers, and students alike can now access a vast repository of information to enrich their studies and contribute to the collective understanding of our past.

Bridging the Gap Between Generations

The availability of ancient newspapers on Google is not just a boon to the academic community. It also offers a unique opportunity for individuals to connect with their roots and heritage. Younger generations can explore the words and thoughts of their ancestors, forging a profound link to their history and culture. Such a connection fosters a sense of identity and appreciation for the journey that has brought us to the present day.

Unearthing Untold Stories

Throughout history, many voices have been marginalized or forgotten. The digitization of ancient newspapers provides a platform for these previously silenced voices to be heard once again. Hidden gems of literature, poetry, and art, once buried amidst the pages of history, are now accessible to the world. By delving into these forgotten narratives, we gain a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of our collective past.


The ability to discover ancient newspaper articles on Google is a testament to the remarkable progress of the digital age. It grants us access to an unprecedented wealth of historical information, enriching our understanding of the past and shaping our vision of the future. As we continue to explore the vast archives of newspapers from ages gone by, let us appreciate the significance of these discoveries and the impact they have on our society, preserving the legacy of our ancestors and illuminating the path forward for generations to come.

Accuracy in AI

ChatGPT's Accuracy: Unraveling the Advancements and Limitations

Artificial intelligence has witnessed tremendous progress over the years. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is capable of generating human-like text responses to a wide range of prompts. Its accuracy in generating coherent and contextually relevant responses has garnered both praise and scrutiny. It is even able to generate in the voice of a variety of ages. You can tell ChatGPT to write something in the voice of a second grader, and it will do fairly well.

Understanding ChatGPT's Accuracy

ChatGPT's accuracy can be attributed to its immense training data and sophisticated neural architecture. The model has been trained on an extensive dataset comprising diverse texts from the internet, making it proficient in understanding various languages, topics, and writing styles. Additionally, OpenAI fine-tunes ChatGPT on custom datasets and employs reinforcement learning techniques, which help improve the model's performance on specific tasks and prompts. This continual refinement contributes to the model's impressive accuracy in generating human-like text.

Where can ChatGPT be used?

ChatGPT's accuracy opens up a plethora of applications across various domains:

  • Customer Support: Companies can utilize ChatGPT to provide instant and accurate responses to customer queries, enhancing the customer support experience.
  • Content Creation: Content creators and writers can leverage ChatGPT as a writing assistant to brainstorm ideas, draft articles, and generate creative content.
  • Programming Help: ChatGPT can assist developers by providing code snippets, explaining programming concepts, and assisting in debugging.
  • Language Translation: Its proficiency in multiple languages allows ChatGPT to offer real-time translation services, bridging the language barrier for global communication.
  • Educational Aid: Students can seek help from ChatGPT to understand complex subjects, find relevant study materials, and receive explanations for challenging topics.

The Limitations of ChatGPT's Accuracy

While ChatGPT exhibits impressive accuracy, it is
not without some of the following limitations:

  • Context Sensitivity: While ChatGPT excels at short-term context, it can sometimes struggle with long-term dependencies. As a result, the model might produce responses that seem contextually accurate but lack coherence when extended beyond a few interactions.
  • Sensitivity to Input Phrasing: ChatGPT's responses can be sensitive to the phrasing of input prompts. Slight rephrasing of the same query may yield different responses, highlighting the model's lack of robustness in handling slight variations.
  • Overconfidence: ChatGPT tends to generate responses with a high level of confidence, even when the answer is incorrect or uncertain. Users must critically assess the information provided by the model and not take its responses at face value.
  • Ethical Concerns: ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can produce highly convincing and realistic content. As such, it raises ethical concerns related to misinformation, propaganda, and malicious use of the technology.
I was reading an article the other day that mentioned ChatGPT's accuracy has gone down when solving math problems from March of 2023 to June of 2023. While this article might not be the most reliable source, it is something interesting to consider. We must be able to use generative AI as a tool, but also, we should be able to assess when it is wrong. A lot of what we might need to teach is how to assess if the information is wrong.


By recognizing and addressing ChatGPT's limitations, we can work towards creating AI systems that augment human intelligence and contribute positively to society while mitigating potential risks. The journey towards ever-improving AI accuracy is ongoing. With the growth of AI, we must also increase our knowledge in the use and assessment of it.

Even when writing this post, I had used AI, but had to go back through and heavily edit what was written to make sure it was coherent and conveyed the point I was trying to make.

(Written with support from generative AI