Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I Should Learn More Google

There has never been a time in my academic career where Wikipedia could be cited as a credible source. Every teacher I have had has said, "do not cite Wikipedia as a credible search, but it's a great starting point!" But now after seeing how Wikipedia's articles are maintained, moderated, and rated; I will not be that teacher. I loved the idea of allowing students to use "C" rated articles in Wikipedia at the beginning of research, or a unit, then towards the end of research/unit limiting students to "A-FA" rated articles.
Also, one of the first things I would like to do in my classroom, if the school doesn't already have teachers do this in a 1:1 environment, is to create a Google community for my class. Students would love the class notes activity, and it would be a great way to engage learners. There is a multitude of tools on Google we are learning about, and most of them are good ways to allow students to collaborate on a native platform, and there are resources integrated to allow all different learners to succeed in the classroom.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these, Mario! Something I'm wondering about it how to assess students when we implement collaborative notes. I don't want to just have them memorize what's on the notes that would kind of defeat the purpose! Where does knowledge retention and memorization fit into this new style of learning and teaching? Nice work!

  2. Yes, yes, yes, yes to the Wikipedia! I've never been able to use Wikipedia in any academic sense, and it would have been SO helpful! I appreciate that you're going to allow your students to use it, and that you're going to teach them how to use it appropriately. You're going to kill it!
