Thursday, July 19, 2018

Using Technology in History

One of the things that I was very interested in was the use of google hangout for communicating with people around the world.  I can see how valuable it is to include other's perspectives in the student's learning.  Another way of engaging the kids is to have them reach out to different people throughout the world to empower them to take charge of their learning. 
Image result for video conference memes
   This is a modification that would not be possible without the advent of technology that enables students to email, video conference and connect with people the otherwise would never have contact with.  

1 comment:

  1. The idea of video conferencing with people from around the world stood out to me as well during day 2. I feel like one of our greatest challenges as history teachers is fostering personal connections for students with the past in order to inspire interest. Giving them an opportunity to build a connection with a person from the part of the world being studied helps to foster that interest.
