Sunday, July 18, 2021

Final Blog Post Question

 After listening to the Shifting Schools Pod Cast episodes 163, 164, and 165 I gained a good perspective on the importance of incorporating Social and Emotional Learning into the classroom and school environment. As an upcoming educator, my mindset must be centered on implementing these small and incremental methods for SEL each and everyday. I especially appreciated the idea of setting aside time to let others know our personalities so we can better collaborate. This is essential for working with our administration and fellow teachers as well as helping our students understand how to work together.

Knowing how to address the unspoken rules of a school and classroom was something I had not though of either. Having a mindset to understand what these are and allow students to reflect on them can only help create a better learning environment. Finally, having a purpose in the classroom can really empower teachers and students from an accountability standpoint. Crafting a solid mission statement is something that I will be very mindful of doing. This can be a collective exercise that can give all students a voice in the classroom. There can be a form of accountability for me as the teacher as well as for the students themselves.

After listening to the podcasts, it is clear that SEL is not something that can be affective after just one 30 minute lesson, but it must take place repeatedly over time. Having a mindset to make this change each and everyday will only help teachers and students not hurt them.

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