Sunday, July 18, 2021

Relationships and Digital Platforms

As I learned more about how technology can be used in the classroom--and how it can be used well--my questions about if using technology in the classroom would be distracting or take away from instruction were answered. Moreover, I found myself excited about using digital tools, especially the useful tips and tools for enhanced teaching/learning. However, since finishing this course, I have been asking myself these two questions, When should I introduce technology into the classroom? How much should be incorporated?

Though I love the idea of using all the digital media and tools we discussed and learned about, I wonder if it takes away from relationships and the connections students need to build with each other (and with me!). Therefore, I think in order to use technology effectively, it must be implemented after there is initial rapport and community in the classroom. This could be done using technology itself, but there should still be personal relationships in schools regardless. Some ideas I had to fit two and two together would be to have digital activities be done in pairs or small groups, teach students to research together, or have students collaborate on digital platforms.

What are your thoughts? Do you think technology might take away from relationships or contribute to them?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenna,

    I definitely understand your concern about the over utilization of tech, and you make a great point about using group methods to incorporate the social aspect of learning. I think there are really great ways to make small instructional videos so students can gain the information at a pace comfortable for them. I really want to try to utilize this method so that I can spend more time working with the students in-person rather than going over instructions over and over again. Obviously, that is going to happen, but if I can reduce it with the sue of small video's I will definitely try!
