Friday, July 16, 2021

Too many toys?


    I think through the two days of class with Jeff we were exposed to numerous ways of delivery for instruction and supplemental materials. To a point, its nearly overwhelming, right? So how much is too much? Does it seem even though life and education alike are gravitating towards the use of technology in a manner that is somewhat equal to oxygen? Quite possibly. However, I think both Jeff as well as references in life point to the need for a key principle that is relevant to...anything:


    Jeff didn't seem shy about pointing out that, in his view, it's all about purposeful application and I would agree. I don't think that we should be dependent on technology and we must remember it is just a tool. Everything in life is balance (day and night, hot and cold, the examples are quite numerous) and we as humans have a tendency, I think, to get excited and get a little overboard at times. I think technology is a great thing and I personally have benefited greatly from its application. However, I am a big fan of reading a tangible book in hand outside or going on a hike to take photos and then applying either one to digital purpose. 


1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    You make an excellent point about balance. I too am a big fan of reading in a hammock or exploring the wilderness with my phone on airplane mode so that I cannot get distracted by anything while taking pictures.

    At times, balance seems so hard to achieve. I think about all of the technology that we learned about in class. As I reflect on it all how do I keep myself from jumping straight into the ocean of technology instead of wading in step by step? How do I keep myself from getting overwhelmed when I feel like I'm not using enough technology in the classroom? Balance is needed to keep me from drowning in the ocean of technology.

    I also think about those who do drown themselves. They can never leave home without their phone. They can't even walk into a different room of their home without carrying their phone with them. Then there are those who go camping for a week and upon return talk about how great it was to be able to disconnect for the week. They've lost a sense of balance.

    It's hard to nail down what is the right amount of balance but this shouldn't stop teachers from trying. There is that sweet spot and we all need to find it.

