Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Parte del Mundo

  I really enjoyed this morning's learning activies. When I studied in Central America and throughout Eurpoe my VPN changed. Because of this my google changed with sources from the countires I was in. Along with this in college I changed all my technology to be in Spanish. My searches and ads were geared towards my languages and living situations. As a part of the OSPI standards for world langauges it asks us to teach about cultures. Along with ways to find connections to other cultures of you designated language. In my classroom I will be implementing projects where students will have to search with Site:____ (insert countries code). I found this to be the most useful part of class from this morning as I would add this as a requirement to my students projects. Seeing the world through a different lense is all what my content area is about and this is a helpful tool to do so. I will want my students to work on looking at sources aroung Central America and comparing them to Eueropean articles. Evaluating the linguisitc differnces will help broaden my students literacy. Along with this I will use differnt country codes to look at the history of different wars between Spanish speaking countires. 

Below is a wikipedia link to more about country codes. With resources to find a list of the different codes.



  1. Lexi!! Paige here. Thank you so much for posting a link to all of the different country codes!
    This will be super helpful for you in your culture classes, as students are reading different perspectives from around the world. This would also be a really cool jigsaw activity for your students. There are so many different spanish-speaking coutnries -- all with their own news channels, politics, perspectives etc. Your students will love you for this!

    Have you heard of BBC Mundo? This adds a whole new layer of news. I wonder if you could add these codes to accesible Spanish-written news articles!

    I found world trade domain list online too.. Is this the same list?
    I will definitely be using this list for my own purposes in ELA.

    Thanks for sharing, Lexi!
    Paige Buccola

  2. I found two different lists. After further reasearch I would use World trade's domain list on google! Also yes I will be having my students jigsaw a bit then discuss what the different countires thought were. Great idea!
