Thursday, July 19, 2018

Classrooms Connected to Classrooms

Technologies allow us to connect our classroom globally. I could have my students be pen pals with students across the globe, my students will be able to share their work outside the confines of the classroom, and I can bring in experts or teachers around the world who can share their insight or expertise straight to my classroom. School is evolving past anything I remember, and it is a bright future for education if we can adopt 1:1 programs universally. With the way things go, that could be a long and bureaucratic 'if,' but if these are the things we can bring to our students change it's up to the teacher now to enrich our students with these experiences. I hope to build connections with teachers around the world who can hop in on Google Hangout for like 15 minutes and talk about and answer questions about a subject they would have quality input on, then be that same person for their classroom. This is a possibility I have never considered, and there are education communities out there that I never knew existed. It would be doing my students a disservice if I didn't bring in the most relatable, and diverse learning experience I could. And, with the tools and technology we have today, why wouldn't I?... i guess other than strict districts...

1 comment:

  1. I think bringing different teachers from around the world on a regular basis is such a great idea! Since we have the technology, why make it a rare occurrence? I envy the kids who get you as a teacher!
