Wednesday, July 18, 2018


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As someone who is always crunched for time, connectivism is a great tool.  I can pull information off the Internet at any given point to use.  This gives me a chance to gather information and apply it in my own way.  Similarly, students will be able to do research or learn for themselves by utilizing what others have done before them.  Not only will they be able to read articles that have already been posted in a time long before they accessed it, students have the ability to learn from people around the globe at any given time.  Students in Saudi Arabia can connect with students in the United States, or students from France can connect with those in Australia, and do so in real time.  Being able to interact with those from other cultures in real-time benefits those involved.  This is something that has been totally inaccessible until the last several years (the closest being phone calls before).  Video connections allow students to see each other, ask questions, introduce their cultures, and so much more.  Everyone seems much closer thanks to technology and its ability to bring people together.

Image result for connectivism

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