Thursday, July 19, 2018

Here is a ton of tech, but don't use it?!

I've been in classes through middle school and high school where great technology is present in the classroom. Looking back, we never used it to its greatest potential! iPads were used for looking up websites and computers were used for Word.
Educators most likely did not know what it meant to modify or redefine what it means to learn using technology. This is why current districts need to focus on training their teachers on how to use the great tools we have been given! The largest excuse we sometimes hear is about the gap in understanding the technology. Thanks to the great people at Google, there is technology that is simple to learn and easier to use than ever before. The idea of a collaborative Google doc where students from across time and space can work together on projects can begin to push teachers towards redefinition using the simplest of tech. An educator doesn't need to relearn all they know and be up to date with all the latest technology trends. Creativity is the largest factor preventing effective uses of tech in the classroom.
Districts MUST allow for teams of education-through-technology experts to observe and teach that redefines learning. Only then will a district be able to say they are using their given resources effectively. As a young, future educator, it is also my job to show my fellow coworkers the ideas I have involving technology and include them in collaborations. Hopefully these ideas will spread and redefinition can become a district-wide similarity.


  1. I couldn't agree more! Perhaps the most frustrating thing about this is that schools and districts using a lot of funds and resources to be able to say that they are up to date with technology, but if the technology isn't being utilized, those resources are being wasted. Better training for teachers would be a great way for schools to get much more out of the tech that they do invest in.

  2. Yeah! I'm definitely going to include collaborative google docs, especially collaborative note-taking in my classroom. Being gone for a day, I felt like I missed a ton and it was great to have all these notes that I could rely on and use. Especially if a teacher has a 1:1 technology in their classroom, they should have no excuse for using it.
