Thursday, July 19, 2018

Class Assessment

So I have had an idea, about how to introduce students to peer-peer interaction in a global scale. 
The class opens, we begin our year. The students are introduced, to a new idea. The concept is simple. Yet it might draw them in. A website, reviewed by classes across the globe. 
The idea is simple. Partner with several classes across the globe. Each unit, the students upload an article they have created to the website, as do other students from other classes. The students then write reviews and comments to the other students across the globe, and respond to the comments other students make on their work. 
What does this teach? Honestly, it teaches literacy. How to interact in a global community, what it means to post in a professional manner online. And also how to create your own online reputation in a community. All these skills are necessary in our digital age, and still covers the content that is mandated. 
This teaches students about content, forces them into a learning environment that is digital in nature yet is also a community of people. Overall it is an amazing opportunity if it can be pulled off.


  1. I love this idea Dustin, it sounds like a great way to connect students around the globe to get a broader perspective of life outside their communities! In what course subjects do you see utilizing this the most? Is this something that you can force becoming used in every course subject? Rad blog post!

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