Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Don't Fear Technological Connections



Connectivism is a recent theory to explain how we learn in the age of  digital technology.  Teachers are no longer the gate keeper of information and we can't possibly have enough experiences to gain all of the knowledge we need.  We need to teach our students to make connections. These connections will help them learn how to be seekers of  information. It is a skill to know how to find information and it needs to be taught in the classroom. This is connected directly to the ISTE standards. The ISTE standards provide the roadmap to guide students to proficiency in technology. They will become empowered learners, leveraging technology,  becoming innovators and creators.  We are long past the days when teachers passed on their limited information to students. In today's rapidly changing world teachers must embrace the chance to learn with their students as they make discoveries in the world together with technology.

Technology is here to stay.  It is powerful, it is exciting and we should go beyond on level of comfort to embrace it without fear.   It is ok to make mistakes when using technology. It can be messy, it doesn't have to be perfect. Students are so comfortable with technology because they go about learning it with the chaos and discovery method.  As adults we want a step by step procedure to know what button to push when to push it in a sequential order. Learning with connectivism is all about making connections and technology is a key component for the pipeline of knowledge. Connections are made by trying and exploring.  Let's not be afraid to learn.  

1 comment:

  1. I thought I knew a lot about technology before starting this class but I was SO wrong!! I love how you said we should go beyond the level of comfort to embrace it without fear because during this generation I believe that statement goes for parents, staff and teachers! Its important to embrace all types of connection and technology. We need to allow ourselves to learn with our students and while teaching this new generation of students will be difficult I believe that is the only way we will be able to be successful teachers!!
