Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Work WITH technology and not against it

After discussing the ISTE standards for teachers and students, I understand why they are separated but in practice I see them linked. It is definitely one more layer of stuff to keep integrated in the classroom during lessons, but with proper administrative support many of these resources can be readily available. 

Administrations/school districts are what I see as the main obstacle to getting more opportunities for utilizing technology. I think as teachers there is a heavy burden to prove that technology is worth the financial and time investment required of schools for it to be beneficial. Once I get contracted with a school I think a primary goal of mine will be to find another "tech-minded" teacher and see what they are currently using in their classrooms, and collaborate on ways to integrate their tech into my lesson planning. Ideally this would be someone from a different subject area, to show the adaptability of the technology chosen, also they would already be savvy in the tech, so I don't become this guy


  1. Hi Kelsey,
    I think that working with a colleague who is like-minded is a great strategy! I was also encouraged to learn in this course that many districts across the state are moving to a 1 to 1 environment. Once we get devices into the hands of kids, there are so many cool tools out there that are free (I'm talking to you Google)! I also agree with you that the ISTE standards are very much linked to standards in other content areas and that we can weave them together. Fun memes!

  2. Kelsey! These memes are too good! They made me laugh so hard. I agree about an obstacle being administration, but I would lean more towards just money as the main obstacle. I believe if schools had unlimited resources, every student would have a computer in their possession to take home. There would be no worry about replacing them or the quality of the tech. I love the idea of collaborating using tech. Maybe you would should your district how amazing the use of tech can be and encourage them to spend more resources on it.
