Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Learning should be chaotic, free, and creative.

Learning today is messy. Students should be allowed to learn how they learn and as educators, we should allow them the freedom to have organized chaos. Just because Millennial, X Gen, and Baby Boomer generations grew up in a simpler time without immense amounts of knowledge at our fingertips, does not mean we should rob students from their devices. Why not adapt? Instead of judging what is uncomfortable for some of us and possibly shrugging off the potential and possibilities of embracing a Connectivism theory, educators will miss an incredible opportunity of enhancing and molding future minds that are chocked full of creativity. There is a new way out of complacent, comfortable teaching ruts and that is stepping into the ISTE standards that keep up with the rest of the world. Empowering digital thinkers that are not only capable of maintaining pace with constant changes in knowledge but modeling what a global collaborator should look like will be even more important as our roles of teaching move from facilitator to learning architect.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I definitely agree with this, learning is messy, chaotic, and fun! Other individuals may argue that learning should be structured and organized, but I feel that this leaves no room for students to take learning into their own hands. We must empower digital thinkers, but what happens when educators are not digital thinkers themselves? It's all about getting out of comfort zones and adapting to change.
