Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Technology in P.E.

Technology in P.E.? Why would i ever do that when kids are supposed to be physically active and away from their phone? Well one way i could integrate technology in to the P.E. classroom is to make the students take videos of themselves doing an activity.

If i am doing a unit on baseball i could have the students take a video of their swing at the beginning of the unit before i have taught them anything. Then throughout the class i could teach the students each step of a good swing. When it comes to the end of class i could post a rubric that has each component of a good swing in it. Then the students will take another video of their swing and they will be able to see if they meet the requirements. By doing this students will be able to physically see what they are doing wrong and what they are doing right. Instead of hearing someone tell them what they are doing wrong or right they will get immediate feedback from the video.

This is a modification of previous ways of learning because students are getting feedback in completely different way then normal. They can actually see how they are doing instead of being told by someone else. When a student is able to see what they are doing wrong it can become easier for them to correct.

Image result for ken griffey jr gif


  1. This is an awesome idea for using technology in PE! I agree that allowing kids to see their own swing will help them better understand what they are doing wrong or right and correct whatever needs to be corrected. You could also even have them evaluate themselves based on the Rubric as they go back and watch the video, before you evaluate them. I think there's a lot of learning that can be done in assessing yourself. I wonder how technology in PE could be connected globally? Maybe skyping with a PE class in another country to see them play their favorite sport, or one that is unique to their country and culture? Great connections here, I would have loved having access to video when I was in PE.

  2. If I saw film of myself doing something, and especially doing something wrong it would help my development immensely. I love this idea for PE and sports. I think having learners watch themselves can help them form critical evaluation habits that can help them auto correct themselves in future scenarios. This was a cool perspective to see how you would use technology in physical education.
