Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Let's Try This Again

Image result for frustration This is me ---------------------------------------->

Because this is my second attempt at writing this blog.
The first one was eloquent, my thoughts were succinct, and I had a point. But you know what the overall theme was?

That I'm scared. 
Image result for scared

I'm scared to become a teacher in this time period of technology. I'm so scared that I'll let my students done, that I'm not going to know enough to prepare them for the world around them. I don't know how to incorporate technology into my classroom in either a Modification way or a redirection way.

Image result for seesaw logoI can very happily substitute technology in. I can very happily use an app in my class. In fact, I'm really looking forward to using Seesaw since I'll be early elementary and I feel like it can be so useful. It not only allows me to access students in personal ways (videos, pictures, drawings), but it will let me connect to the parents. I can send them flyers and updates, and make sure the realize that they too are valuable members of this classroom community I'm building.

Image result for life saverBut realistically, I simply don't know how to bring in larger uses for technology, outside of connecting via blogs or Skype with other teachers, at the age group I'm trying to teach. It all feels so overwhelming, especially since I'll more than likely be trying to teach technology to kids who are more sophisticated then I am.

Send me good vibes, or drop your ideas in the comments. I'm floundering and I could desperately use the life saver now.


  1. Your pictures are an accurate representation of how I feel too Zoe! This is an intimidating time to be a new teacher. The outpouring of information alone is overwhelming, let alone the learning curve of how to use said information. For me, I am going to try really hard to focus on the technology that I do know how to use (as minimal as it may be) and understand that my learning pace is mine. Perhaps my novice status in technology use will become a way for me to connect with my students or at least provide some comic relief to the classroom:)

    1. I love you're last sentence. I think that's a really positive way to put a spin on it.
