Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Connectivism and the ISTE standards

After learning about connectivism and the concept of learning through the connections of social connections, I started to think about how this could be useful in the classroom.  The one main thing that I really like is the fact that collaboration is a huge part of this idea.  As an educator, I get the chance to collaborate with my peers to find some great activities and I can have the students collaborate together so they can learn from each other as well.  Educators also get the chance to learn so much from the students everyday just by being around them.  The social interactions that we have with the students can help us learn so much about them and ourselves.  Technology is becoming more and more important, so using technology to support this theory is a great way to foster learning. This idea goes along with the 1st ISTE standard under educator, which is learner.   I also think that teaching the students of the future to learn how to solve problem when they are presented is a great idea.  Instead of teaching them how to solve problems in general, we must teach the students to solve the problems in the moment. Overall I believe that this is a great theory and can be very useful if used effectively in the education world.

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