Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Music and Technology

Image result for music and technology

Technology and music have been together just as long as peanut butter and jelly have.  Whether it's a recording studio, amplifiers, music writing software, or something in between, music and technology have always worked well together.  So how can technology be integrated in the high school band class?  We have already seen some band classes incorporate recording devices so that they can listen back to themselves instantly or software programs such as SmartMusic for individual practice assignments.  Students generally don't have access to music writing software until after high school, and don't have a chance to experiment with sound modifiers.  If students were in a high school where they all had access to computers, music classrooms may be able to step outside the box of simply rehearsing and learn more about the music around them in everyday life.  

Image result for music and technology


  1. Andrew! I am super jealous of the opportunities you are going to get when you incorporate tech in your music classroom. I think you are going to be able to dive really deep with students and figure out how to connect them at a deeper level. Also sidebar: I am totally calling you to "hangout" in my classroom and help give a music lesson in my history class!

  2. This is a great way to have technology working with us in the music classroom. To be able to break the music down and/or understand it more clearly as a non super music student. Super Awesome!! Or should I say RAD!
