Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Using tech with purpose

I learned two very important things from today's discussion about connectivity. First -- chatrooms are a lot of fun, but not necessarily the best route to get everyone's thoughts out. Things derailed there very quickly.

Image result for derailed

However, one of the better discussions we had about connectivism concerned, simply, how to effectively use technology. I am a huge proponent for technology in the classroom, and I think it has a lot of benefits, but there is a difference between using it and using it well.

Technology can't just be a buzzword in the classroom. It has to be used effectively, or else, you are just introducing another thing that can possibly go wrong in the classroom. Which, will inevitably happen ...
Image result for technology sucks

In the ISTE standards for educators, standard 5a for educators states:

"Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning."

To me, this is a profound statement.

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The key phrase in this standard is "use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning." In my interpretation, this means when we think about incorporating technology and adopting connectivity in the classroom, we, as educators, have to do it with a intentionally and with a purpose. 

Yes, you can kind a variety of opinions on the internet, and you can have your kids find those opinions, copy and paste them into Google Docs, and say "See, I'm using connectivism and technology in my classroom -- I'm innovative!" 

But that's not enough.

Image result for At least you tried

As educators, we have to take it a step farther. We have to understand that not only do we need to use tech and connectivism in the classroom, but we have to do it successfully. We need to think, if using these tool is this really benefiting our kids' education, or am I just using these techniques because I am a fan of fancy, innovative-sounding words? 

Image result for using big words

Anyway, one of the articles I read that I thought was particularly interesting was this one on using tech in the classroom. Pay particular attention to the section titled "Purposeful Technology, Purposeful Learning." It's good stuff. 

Image result for dilly dilly


  1. I love how you focus on being intentional and purposeful with technology as a teacher. Students can tell when you are not putting in effort as a teacher and when you are giving them busy work. The article you mentioned talks about using technology as a resource and not treating technology usage as the end goal, unless the purpose is to learn how to use that piece of tech. Can you think of any other ways of using technology to redefine learning besides using it to collaborate across time and space? That is the main thing that comes to mind for me. I cannot wait to hear about how you implement technology--good luck!

  2. Mike I appreciate how many media representations you use in your posts! They add so much to your post here and help me focus on it. Not sure if you can do this but maybe get the media part of your post lined up so they all fall on the same line rather than being on either side of the post. Overall, very thoughtful and well done!
