Tuesday, July 17, 2018

World Connection & Community

Our world is connected by so many things. Today we see our world connecting by technology. In class today I was amazed by the connectedness that Jeff displayed. Throughout the Skype meeting with the teachers from Auburn, and then hearing the story about the lesson where the students connected with a class in Saudi Arabia just proved how connected our world is today. Connecting with classrooms and teachers through different cities, states and countries can help any student understand how our world is a connected community even if they are on the other side of the world. This community around the world can connect and learn in so many ways, and I'm so excited to share and expose this learning with my future class.

Image result for SAMR
Before this class I had never heard of the SAMR model. Learning and understanding the SAMR model should be something every teacher and district should learn, as the new generation of students is all connected by technology. This model not only helped me understand the change in technology but also the changes that need to be made for lessons and learning. Its interesting to think about lessons I've seen throughout classrooms and changing them with the SAMR model in hopes to connect better with students. Each lesson I plan or brainstorm I hope can include multiple steps throughout the SAMR model. I hope to create lessons which each have redefinition as a end result. This will be a challenge but I want to be able to connect with my students and teach them in ways they understand and enjoy education. 

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