Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Times They Are A-Changin'


 I think we could all agree at this point that education has reached a rough point in the road. Whether the atmosphere of education is forced to change because of Covid or if the progress and development of technology has become an unavoidable force to contend with, the fact remains that the times, they are a changin'. One might argue that it is to such a point that even if those in education didn't want to change it, it has become a tsunami that cannot be stopped, and I think we would find the general public on the top of that wave.

    So what is to be done?

    Like many things in life, we have to learn to be flexible and adaptable. If you stand to rigid, you are apt to break. Does this mean you need to go and look like the poster child for technology? Absolutely not. But education is based in the desire to learn and facilitating that learning for students in the best way possible to help them grow in knowledge as well as socially and emotionally, so we need to be willing to do that the best way we can with the means that are available. The fact is that education is not going to stay the way it has, and it probably shouldn't. If we are to say that education has been perfect with no need to change, we would be lying to ourselves. Nothing is perfect, especially if it's ran by human beings, but we have the opportunity to improve, improve, improve and then improve some a little more. Are students not worth it?

    I often say that evolution does not come out of comfort, it comes out of necessity and this is a fact of our nature on this planet. From everything big to everything microscopic, it surrounds us. So lets work to find the best state of our evolution. Let's be apart of it, rather than it being dictated to us and work along with it. This doesn't mean all sunshine and rainbows through the process, but it's better than remaining as primordial stew...

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