Saturday, July 17, 2021

How Technology Can Help to Implement UDL

The UDL model of teaching emphasizes the need to have multiple methods of proving instruction to students. It also states that we as teachers need to allow students to complete assignments in ways that suits their learning strengths. Removing barriers from instruction is a big part of accomplishing this in the classroom. Barriers such as visual, audio, and physical impairment. Barriers such as a weakness in writing, reading and processing information can affect a students engagement, motivation, and participation in class which can ultimately lead to behavior issues. So how can we as teachers break down these barriers and help all of our students participate in class?

The proper use of technology is a big part of getting through these barriers. If we can provide materials outside of the textbooks, books, or printouts that we think all students should be able to read and comprehend, then more students may be interested in the learning process. Having a range of options allows the student to control how they meet the learning goals and targets. It does not mean the student will not learn anymore or any less than others, it just means they can learn in a format that is comfortable for them and utilizes their strengths.

If a student is strong in the Demonstration/Mentor category, they may want to view a video option for the lesson. If a student is a Trial and Error type of learner, they may want the general rundown of the learning goal and all the options available so they can go to work and figure it out. Some students may need to research the topic so giving them internet sources, additional reading material, or other research forms would be a good option for them.

Ultimately, having these options would be very difficult with out the use of technology and networks. Why use the stale textbook when we have the world at our fingertips. When we want to gain more knowledge on a topic these days, we search for and article, a video, a podcast, etc. All of this information is available to us at anytime so why not use it in our classrooms to target the learning styles of our students. This type of technological utilization is the goal of the UDL model. We as educators owe it to the next generation to unlearn the traditional ways of teaching and prepare our students for the ever-advancing technological society.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, this was a super thoughtful response. UDL seems very daunting and time consuming, and talking with some retired teachers many feel like it is too idealistic. But I think with new technology it is becoming more realistic for teachers to incorporate individual student's needs.
