Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Classroom Management Tips

Learning different classroom management tips yesterday in action was definitely helpful. I know Ashely did a wonderful job showing an example of what not to do. After watching yesterday's class, I compiled a list of management strategies to use that I feel were important to include.

  • Have icons of what you want students to accomplishment

  • Don’t believe if someone’s computer is off

  • Use timers

  • Code word with steps to identify when to be done

  • Reminding to turn computer

  • Moving computer for the student if they weren’t listening to directions 

  • Demonstrating what we learned 

  • Connected with students right away

  • Turn computers around (physically remove the device)

  • Walking around monitoring the class

  • Reward good behavior with bonus time (don’t give too much time at the start)

  • Return excitement when people share with excitement 

  • Use an activation slide to start at the beginning of the class, use same layout everyday

    • Use movement in the slide so kids pay attention to it

  • Put timer on the screen

Seeing these practices in action gave a different perspective instead of just reading about them. There is good information in books about classroom management tips, but it doesn't give the feeling of how it is actually performed. That's the one of the lacking factors through reading information, rather than experiencing it. 

I included a link to a good article that also furthers the conversation of classroom management tips and provides additional procedures for use.


  1. That's awesome that I was able to give an educational opprotunity and present what not to do so Jeff was able to show what classroom management can look like (I was excited to make a picture and couldn't help myself). Loved what other reflections you made about how to keep the students engaged and following directions within a lesson with technology involved.

    1. Also couldn't help but notice that picture you used is a red-headed child. Wasn't sure if that is supposed to be a representation of me getting my computer flipped around or if it is purely a consequence. Either way it's pretty funny.

  2. I love this list I will be putting it into my notes! In our diability class there is also vidoes about how to integrate management with an inclusive classroom. Using MTSS there are also some ways to manage the classroom when it may be more challenging. Here is a video to refer back to. challenging.
