Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Olas de vida

     Since COVID there has been a big shift in education. Many teachers are tired from COVID and stuggled heavily with online education. What is the future of education? Will it be online learning? Will it be students looking at a screen all day? My answer is no. Over the next five years there is going to be a big shift between outgoing and incoming teachers. The youth now that are entering into feild of education were raised on technology. Now this is going to be a great assest to the young teachers coming into education when 1 to 1 learning programs are rolling out. Even with previous technology skills, future teachers need to be taught how to teach media literacy.

    We want to protect and students and help them learn how to navigate the online world and social media. Now more than ever we have so many resources at our finger tips we almost do not know how to use it. Teachers before COVID say "We want to go back to the basics". What does that really mean? It is good to keep some basic's of education such as classroom management, interpersonal skills, and routines. However, how cool would it be to use some of this revolutionary technology to enhance what students are learning. Technology will be naturally used over the years. As educators become more literate in using it themselves it will be easier to intergrate into the classroom. 

    In the future I see students using technology in my classroom to connect with students throughout the world. They could have penpals, but through video's instead of handwritten communication. I believe this technology will enhance studnets enduring of understanding and make them more passionate about your subject area. 
  My view of technology has been influenced by being young and growing up with it. I became a user of technology at a young age and can see how interactive and connective it can be. With the resouces we explored in class I see the value of how it can helo connect students with one another and beyond. Tools such as social media were used in my high school experience which has made me more open to using it myself. For those of you interested in using social media in the classroom below is a link to new ideas of how to incourportae it safley. There is going to be a wave of new technology use in the classroom very soon and we need to prepare for this. 

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