Thursday, July 14, 2022

Misión de vida

    In undergrad before I left my last Spanish class my teacher asked us to come up with a personal mission statement. I thought baout translating this into English for readers of this blog to understand, but I decided against that. Translating this will not accuratly display my heart of this mission statement. Therefore, I decided to leave it in its origial writing. 

    Mi misión es vivir una vida buscando justicia, aprendiendo y amando a los demás incondicionalmente. Buscar justicia para los maltratados, estar siempre aprendiendo sobre la competencia intercultural y amar a los demás como lo necesitan. Me esforzaré por no perder de vista quién soy al hacer que mi base de valores provenga de mi fe. Con esta declaración sé quién quiero ser y viviré una vida esforzándome por hacer del mundo un lugar mejor a través de mis acciones. A lo largo de esta misión, continuaré recurriendo a Miqueas 6: 8 como dice; "¿Y qué exige el Señor de ustedes sino que hagan justicia, amen la bondad y caminen humildemente con su Dios?"

    My philosphy of education strongly aligns with the social reconstuctionist viewpoint. As a modern educator I believe we should be looking at how to help our students become good citizens. Our students will be the future of tommorow and as teachers its our job to walk alongside them. I want my students to acheive their dreams and goals. As a teacher I think the value of a classroom mission and personal mission can be overlooked. In education it is important our students can connect their learning of our content areas into their personal lives. In the beginning of tha year as a class I want to scaffold an activityto help my studnets understand their mission. Everything we do there is a reason why, the studnets just need help to see their why. 

    Through my students creating thier own mission statement this is a way of giving them autonomy in the classroom. I want my students to learn in the areas they are passionate about in a way that works well for them. Through technology and udl there is going to be a shift in the way students are learning. These are amazing tools future eduacators should be looking at integrating into their classrooms. This is the future of teaching and it is encourgaing to see this change. 

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD  require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your


  1. Lexi, I completely agree with you. First, thank you for leaving your mission statement in Spanish. While I may not understand a word that you are saying, I appreciate the point that you are trying to get across. Now looking at your educational philosophy, I also agree that students are the future. We must help students to recognize their power in this world, and the amazing ability that they have to make change.

  2. Hey Lexi! I loved reading your Misión de vida and how technology fits into it. I believe that, especially from the social reconstructionist viewpoint, we as teachers need to be with the times so that we can best serve and prepare our students for life after graduation. Technology plays such a big role in this because of its ability to connect us with each other. If we are made more aware of people with other ways of life than ours and come to respect these differences, we are better equipped to carry out Micah 6:8.
