Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Modern Exodus in Education

What are the mindsets modern educators need to foster if we want to truly change what learning looks like in classrooms today? What has the Common Core Standards done to the teaching style of today's educators? Why are we advancing curriculum two years earlier than previous curriculums.

To answer that, the only constant in life is change. We are an experimental species. We can do all the research in the world we want on theories and possibilities, but until we put the process the action, we will never know for sure. 

Educators today are changing careers or retiring earlier than expected. There have been 600,000 teachers that have left the profession in 2020, and 90% of the remaining teachers feel burned out. All this information comes from the Shifting Schools Podcast, Episode 198. The topic was focusing on wellness. I'm a firm believer that if you are unable to take care of yourself, then you are not able to take care of someone else. You need to build yourself back up in order to function for the benefit of society. Unfortunately, the society that we live in does not give us that option. COVID changed major things in the way people teach. Technology is here for good.  So, what do we do? We adapt. Below is a video from Cambridge University Press that gives an insight on adapting to teaching online. This was made freshly into the COVID lockdown, so to some the information could be outdated. But it is good to revisit where we came from to get a fresh perspective.

Teachers that don't want to adapt are leaving or finding it difficult to remain in the classroom. The next generation of teachers must adapt to this new digital age that we were forced into in a short amount of time due to an unknown contagion. 

Leave the day with your head on a swivel!

1 comment:

  1. B&D Under the Tree, you are spot on. As future educators we must be willing to adapt and change with the times because time is not waiting for us. I have seen just how outdated teachers can be when they don't adapt with the times. In those teachers classrooms, students feel the teacher does not know them and the student does not feel like they are learning anything, this is because it's true. Thank you for your attachments above I found those to be helpful and insightful.
