Wednesday, July 13, 2022

No More Citations!

Did any of you know that Google Docs cites documents for you?! Because I didn't until two days ago. I'm genuinely upset that I didn't have this as an option when I was in school. Do you know how much time could have been saved on homework if citations were done for you correctly? An avalanche worth. The snow is time, and you are the bystander that is watching it come after you. Then you get swept away by so much time back in your life. A bit of a dramatic representation? Maybe. 

This may be part of the reason teachers aren't really assigning research papers anymore. According to the article linked above, ELA teachers are tired of having a full time job on top of a second, full time job, grading. It's also a burden for students to spend that much time on essays. They have to make sure every meticulous, little period is in place. God forbid they don't insert the much needed colon to separate titles and authors. 

This process of using Google Docs for citations would alleviate the burden on students to perform. It would also appeal to teachers because they would have to spend less time on teaching how to write citations. They can focus more on the concept, what to look for, and why it's important. 

1 comment:

  1. B&D Under the Tree,
    I totally feel your pain in realizing that you could have not shed all those tears over creating citations! This class was the first time I had ever heard of this and now I want the world to know! Citations have always been the bane of writing for me for as long as I can remember and it would have been so nice to know this during college. Thank you Google!
