Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Stay connected within (and out) of your community!!

 Twitter is an ever-growing social media that allows people all across the globe to connect and talk with each other. Hashtags (#) are a great way to connect different people that have similar interests, without the unknown of having to meet them in person or them having to add you on Facebook. Using the hashtags on twitter to connect to different teachers in different schools all across the world is an incredible resource to help widen your networks and broaden your own students' horizons. 

Connecting with other teachers in different countries to help connect the students to see different ways of learning a subject or to help them work on projects together to experience different cultures is important for students. Having well-rounded, critical thinking students is what our goal is, so providing them with the resources that other teachers (who may be in different communities) have can help broaden your students' horizons and mold them into the incredible people that we know they are capable of!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jazmyne! I thought this portion of the tech class was super interesting to learn about, and the connectivity through twitter is an awesome way to build relationships with other teachers, and can help create fun lessons! I know for myself, I struggle with using twitter, as it is definitely not my social media of choice. However, the learning in the class, as well as this article, has definitely made me realize that I need to start building my profile, and investing more into twitter! Thanks Jazmyne!
